Insane [cheats]
The following fun cheats are available for the game but appear to have varying degrees of success on different PC's. They can be used in single play only.

They should be entered in lower case on the main menu screen with Return being selected to

No audio or visual indication is given.

Note: In some instances these cheats can be enabled on any of the Menu screens as long as

nothing else is typed before or after.

European version

imacheater- Enables win button (ctrl + W)
ineedmorecars - Unlocks all cars
ineedmoremaps - Unlocks all maps
championsaves - Enables all classes
gokartz - Little wheels
bigheadz - Big heads for drivers
bigfootz - Large Wheels on Vehicles
boxerz - Big hands and feet for drivers
greasy - Slippery surface (NOTE cars tend to slide into water very easily!)
glued- Very gripped surface
terraformer - Opens up the map generator
manonthemoon - Moon gravity
teachme - Pre Instruction Screen
celebration - Congratulation Instead of Race
fonekart - Secret Level
speedracer - Fast Race

US version

monstertruck - Big wheels
rollerbearing - Little wheels
moonwalk - Low gravity
fistfighter - Big hands for drivers
balloonnuts - Big heads for drivers
winbycheat - Enables Ctrl+W in game for instant win
fillmygarage - All cars
worldtraveller - All maps
kingofthehills - Map generator

from-- Otto Breckner

Hosted by uCoz