NHL'98 [cheats updated]
suAlternate Jersey
If you Left Click on either Anaheim, Los Angeles, Boston, Vancouver,
or Pittsburgh you'll get their third jersey.
Awesome Goalie
During a season go to commisioner and click it. Then go to the rosters
sign and click it. Then go to create player. For the first name put
in Mike. Then go to the last name box and put Smith. If it worked
right, a box will say, "There already is a Person as this name in
the Database would you like to create another person." Choose NO.
Cheat Codes (during credits)
To activate a cheat, enter its code while the Credits menu is highlighted
without spaces.
EA Blades Team -- EA EAO
Enable Internet play -- ULTIMATE JUDGE
View Stanley Cup FMV -- STANLEY
Cheat Codes (during game)
To activate a cheat, enter its code during the game without spaces.
Award a goal to home team -- HOME GOAL
Award a goal to visiting team -- AWAY GOAL
Cause injury -- INJURY
Check on contact -- CHECK
Enable pre-game spotlights -- SPOTS
Fireworks display during game -- VICTORY
Hold on contact -- GRAB
Longer extremities -- MANTIS
Photographers in crowd -- FLASH
Team without puck gets a penalty -- PENALTY
Smaller players -- NHL KIDS
Zamboni prepares ice during the game -- ZAMBO
* Enable cheat while team controls puck to stop opposing team and
begin a powerplay.
Five Minute Powerplay
To get an easy 5:00 minute power play you need to be in a fight. Let
your opponent beat you up, it's important that you don't press any
buttons and the referee will call a 5:00 minute major on them and
nothing on you. It works every time.
Super Players
In the create a player type one of the following names for super players.
(Note: click NO if asked to change the player.)
John Rix
Mike Smith
Mike MacKinnon
Funky Swadling
Jay MacDonald
Cory Yip
Andy Harris
Gary Johnson
Ben St John
Jeff Mair
Juan Jacyna
Jay Bulbrook
Trenton Shumay
Dejan Stanisavljevic
Tedd Streibel
Victoria Wong
Tom Papadatos
Troy Church
Phillip Chow
Ted Nugent
Adriano Celentano
Jeff Dyck
Mark Gipson
Lance Wall
Sissel Tangen
Mark Johnston
Bryce Cochrane
To play via TCP/IP, right click on the X at the main menu. Highlight
(don't click) CREDITS and type "ultimatejudge". Go back to the main
menu and go to CONNECTION.