Persian Wars [cheats]
When you are playing hold Ctrl
and press:
F2: you'll see a picture of a baby
F7: God-mode
F8: Win battle*
F9: Lose battle
(*) = You will win, but the game can crash or you may get stuck in
the level-select menu
- from Oguzhan (G)angbang JHÇHR
you must save the game and find this file "sebinfo.txt"
location: "x:\program files\cyro\persianwars\sauvegarde\sauvegarde0#\"
{(x= your install drive) (# = 1 to 10)}
open this file and type 999999 in line one
Now You Have ("999999") Dinar Money And You Can Buy Anything
--from lord x
When you search in the game files you find a text file named sebinfo.txt
(this is only when you\'ve already saved a game). Type in the upper
line 999999 instead of the other number and than save it...Now you\'ll
have 999999 dinars !!!
- from SPiKe