Robot Arena [cheats]
Extra Cash
Type in a "$" when you're in the robot building lab
and get 50,000 bucks.
-from: Red E mail:

Make robot over 750 pds
You can make your robot over 750 pounds by simply putting on stuff until it says "your robot can not exceed 750 pounds." Then, take off your armor, keep putting all of the stuff that you want, then put your armor back on. HAVE FUN!

More Items
In the bot lab where your robot's name is, erase it and type "cheatbot", then press enter/return on your keyboard. you will get the items: switchblade, zombie skull, extra speaker, and an object saying "no picture available".

To get an extra weapon
All you need to do is name the robot "cheat bot" and then you can have an electric switchblade

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