Sinistar (cheats)
(c) Class
Press ~ to bring up console during game and check the commands below.
(there are much more but I neither wanted to check all neither I
had time for it)
soundvol 0-100 - Sound volume
musicvol 0-100 - Music volume
level 0-23 - Jump to level
bind 'keyname' action (like bind '+' Throttle) - Bind key
gammaval 0-100 - Gamma value
pitch 0-1 - Pitch control
forcefeedback 0-100 - Feedback sens.
quit - Quit game
exit - Exit console
Here comes the fun part, we can rebind keys during game and we will
it to cheat. Simple use these action symbols for cheating.
cheatfreecrystal - Crystals
cheatnodmg - You cannot die
cheatsnapshotaitext - AI texts
cheatcycleaitext - AI texts
For example do bind 'home' cheatnodmg and press home key once.
- The Power of RA