Star Wars: Force Commander [cheats]
Place anything anywhere
Type your name as The Galaxy Is Yours. When you play, if you press zero, you get a little box with the name of things. Use the up and down aroow keys to choose what you want, and the the right arrow key to place it. Press zero again to close it.

Notes: This may cause a severe slow down in the game. The craft goes where your mouse is. No CP's needed. If you save and quit during a mission and come back later, the select box will not be there and cannot be used.

Cheat mode: (he v1.1 patch is required)
Start a new game and enter TheGalaxyIsYours as a case-sensitive name in the new player slot. When choosing your new player you must double click on the name, and not click on the blue arrow. Then, enter one of the following codes during game play to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect Code
500 more command points M
500 less command points [Ctrl] + M
Order any unit regardless of command points1 [Shift] + M
Spawn units without drop ship [Keypad 0]
Win current mission [Ctrl] + W
View all active units [Ctrl] + 8
View all units [Ctrl] + [Shift] + 8
Remove fog of war [Ctrl] + 9
999999 life for unit [Num Lock] + [Keypad Asterisk]

1. This code will also add 500 command points to your total. All items and buildings that are in yellow will be unlocked.

Level select:
Note: the v1.1 patch is required for this code. Start a new game and enter TheWorldIsYours as a case-sensitive name in the New Player slot. Note: When choosing your new player you must double click on the name, and not click on the blue arrow.

Spawn units:
Enable the "Cheat mode" code. After double clicking on the name in the player selection screen, proceed to either campaign or skirmish mode. After starting the game, press [Keypad 0]. Text similar to "0:Stormtrooper" will appear. All available units, whether they were playable or non-playable, will be unlocked. Press [Cursor Up] or [Cursor Down] to scroll through the list. Press [Cursor Left] to select the unit you wish to use. The chosen unit will appear on screen at your pointer location. This option overrides the amount of units you can have on the field. Therefore, you can have more than 60 units on the field at once. Also, you can place units anywhere on the field -- they do not have to start out near a standard or mobile base. However, not all units work properly. For example, Darth Vader does not attack enemies. You can only use his secondary ability to kill a victim - however, he can be put in a bunker or base to protect it. Also, if you use air units this way, even though you have them selected, during game play they may fly off and disappear. Other actions that can be done to spawned units include pressing [Shift] + [Cursor Up] or [Shift] + [Cursor Down] to change the team of the spawned unit. Press [Delete] to destroy the highlighted unit.

Double unit:
If a unit carrier gets destroyed, remove the unit at the same time it explodes. If done correctly, that unit will be doubled.

Faster patient walking:
Click on "Release Patient" when an Imperial vehicle is being healed on the repair bay. It will walk away faster.

Hitting air units from the ground:
Ground units cannot normally hit air units. However, an AT-AT's chin gun can hit an enemy air unit.

Attacking with AT-ATs:
If you are planning to attack with AT-ATs get two AT-AAs for each walker, then hold [Ctrl] and right click to have them follow the AT-AT. If any speeders want to use a tow cable, the anti-air will take them out.

Pod Racer appearance:
Complete the second objective in the third training mission (destroy the buildings at the Jawa camp) and two pod racers will start racing around.

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