Stronghold [cheats]
To activate the cheat codes:

Press the Shift, Alt, and A keys (all at the same time) while in the Main Menu. Once the cheat codes have been activated, you can select the cheat you wish to
use, while playing a mission, by holding down the keys listed below.

Alt, C - allows access to all missions at the selection screen when you choose campaign missions.

Alt, K - free building - no resources required.
Alt, X - 100 popularity and adds 1000 gold.

Free items:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file;
create a backup copy of the file before proceeding.
Use a text editor to edit the "game info" file in
the "stronghold" folder. Change all the values to
zero to make everything in the game free.

Select the start menu, click search for files or folders,
search for Stronghold, it should find a FOLDER!
With Stronghold written on it, open it then select game
info, change every number to 0 and save it, then
everything should be free!!!

Keep bears away:
When bears kill civilians, your popularity decreases.
To avoid this, simply build a wood fence around a bear
when it appears.

Place 1-2 Woodcutter-huts near the trees you want to remove.
I.e.: If you need/want to build in areas with trees.

Baker / Brewery / Weapons&Armory :
Build a wall before you place the Huts. You will now be able to build up against the wall. Now, remove the wall again and you can see inside the Huts from 3 more angles.

Stockpile / Granary:
When nearly full, you will get the message ; "Stockpile /
Granary Full". Build more Stockpile / Granary in connection with the existing.
If you want to "split/move" the Stockpile / Granary,all you need is to build in that given direction and tear down the Stockpile / Granarys you dont want.
You will now have 2 or more groups you can continue from.
Use the same method if you want rows of Stockpile / Granarys with an ayle in between.

Place Pits (small black squares) in a pattern ( your initials or a logo) on a plane area, then set on fire with a bowman. (remember to place a "Burner" in the tower you'e shooting from).
Now look at the map....LOL.

Stupid stupid animals. Bowmen can kill the bastards. Your "King" can kill the bastards; highlight the king and aim on the rabbit in the far end of the pack. The king will kill all rabbits on his way to the choosen one. You can also fence in the rabbits, but you will have to be quick about it.

Buy some shrines and you will have a ghost of a decapitated lord. (he is hard to see, so look close.Only 1 ghost per castle)

-- from lord-x

Infinitive ammunition on catapult (or trebuchet).
When you have finished the stones on the catapult (or the trebuchet) you can select the cow, click on your target (a large circle of torchs appears) and click again (a small circle of torchs appears or the target signal), your
catapult (or trebuchet) will launch a stone instead of a cow.
--from Claudio

If you are using trebuchet to attack on enemy forces or castle and you run out of stones you can use this cheat to gain unlimited stones.Select your terbuchet,then click on the cow throw icon next to the stone throw icon,then click on your target.A large circle will appear(This circle shows the range), then click instantly on the same spot before the cow is launched.Now your terbuchet will throw stones instead of cows. This cheat is really useful in siege missions.
- from Javed/Amjad

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