The Sims [updated cheat codes]
While playing, press [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + C, then type the following
klapaucius - $1000 Simoleons (v1.0)
rosebud - $1000 Simoleons (v1.1)
water_tool - Make your home an island surrounded by water
set_hour # - Change time of day to # (1-24)
sim_speed # - Game speed to # (-1000 to +1000)
interests - View personality and interests of your Sims
autonomy # - Change how Sims think on their own (1-100)
grow_grass # - Grow grass # (1-150)
map_edit on/off - Edit the map
route_balloons on/off - Basic tutorial on/off
sweep on/off - Shows ticks of the game
tile_info on/off - Show or hide tile info
log_mask - Set event logging mask
draw_all_frames on/off - Draw all frames on and off
history - Dumps family history file
edit_char - Open Create-A-Character screen
lot_size # - Change lot size to #
draw_floorable on/off - Floorable grid
draw_routes on/off - Selected person's path displayed
draw_origins - Draw colored dots at each person's origin
move_objects - Move any object
prepare_lot - Check and fix required lot objects
hist_add - Add new family history to family
auto_level - Architecture tools automatically set the level as needed
house <#> - Automatically load indicated house, no questions
asssert - Force an assert for testing
log_animations - Log animations in the event log window
tutorial off - No tutorial object generation when tutorial house is
browser_failsafe - Prevent web browser crashes
preview_anims on/off - Preview animations on/off
tile_info - Programmer stats
quit - Quit game
restore_tut - Restore tutorial
rotation <0-3> - Rotate camera
route_balloons on/off - Routing debug balloons on/off
fam_test - Run series of random operations on unhoused families
save - Save currently loaded house
plugh - Say "plugh"
porntipsguzzardo - Say "porntipsguzzardo"
xyzzy - Say "xyzzy"
autonomy <1-100> - Set free thinking level
edit_grass - Set grass change value
grow_grass <0-150> - Set grass growth
lot_size - Set lot size
set_hour <1-24> - Set time of day
- Sets the neighborhood directory to the path
sim_log begin/end - Start sim logging
sweep on/off - Ticks on/off
tile_info on/off - Tile information on/off
visitor_control - Toggle allowing visitors to be controlled using
the keyboard
auto_reset - Toggle automatic object reset feature
cam_mode - Toggle camera mode
all_menus - Toggle display of unavail. interactions in control menu
music - Toggle music
quats - Toggle quaternion transformations
sound_log - Toggle sound log window
sound - Toggle soundshtml - Toggle web page creation
reload_people - Total reload of people skeletons, animations, suits
and skins
! - Repeat last cheat
You can us a [;] to separate multiple cheat commands. Bring up cheat
mode and enter the "klapaucius" code. The bring up cheat mode again
and enter "!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!:!;!"
(you may add up to 60 total).
Garbage Bag of Holding
In the early stages of The Sims life time is often wasted emptying
the trash and bringing it to the curb. I found that if you fill the
cheap 30 simolian trash barrel you can order your sim to empty it
and just as they remove the bag cancel the order. Then order them
to pick up the mess that they just made and they will return the full
bag to an empty barrel, which will now be empty. Do this every time
it fills and trash need never be brought outside to the curb again.
This saves a lot of time.
Paying the Bills
Simply keep a bill, unpaid, until the mail carrier delivers the next
set. When your flag is up (your mailbox being full of-- what else,
more bills), pay the first one (i.e., bring it out to the mailbox.)
When you do this, the newer bills disappear. Using this cheat, you
will only have to pay every other bill, instead of every one.
Building a Castle in the Clouds
Large second-floor extensions to a house, or even an entire house
in the air, can be built totally unsupported by the following method.
First, lay out a complete ground layer of pillars. You'll need lots
to form a surface to build on. Next build your second-floor home on
top of these pillars. It's important that you do ALL the structural
work at this point; get all the walls placed and floors put in. Don't
forget the stairs! Next, simply switch to the ground floor, and delete
all the pillars. The house will remain standing, completely unsupported
by anything except thin air! Voila! A castle in the clouds for your
Raise Sims Mood Bars
When using the move_object cheat you can restore your Sims mood bars
by getting your Sim to sit in a chair, pausing the game and deleting
the chair that your Sim is in. Your Sim will disappear. Unpause the
game and click on your Sims face icon and your Sim will reappear with
some restored bars.
Indoor Swimming Pool
If you want your sims to enjoy a luxurious indoor swimming pool, delete
a single wall panel so that the spot for your pool is open to the
outdoors. The game considers any area in that room to be outside.
Place the pool and then seal off the swimming pool room.
Pause your game and bulid a fence around the burgler/roomie. For Burgler:
Trap and call Police. Roomie:Lure out side far away from house and
Kill your Character
Make a swimming pool, send he/she in and then take the ladders and
diving board away.
Easy Money
Well I know that you COULD go to work every day, waste your valuable
social time, have the impossible job of cranking up your mood and
abilities so that you can get a promo - but that's no fun! Ya see,
you can simply buy an art easel and start painting (even kids can
earn their keep in this way). Just paint and paint and paint and within
about 2 days, you're earning about $166 per day! This is much easier
and more flexible than actually finding a job.
Emptying Trash
The best way to empty the trash from your $30 bin is to let it get
full and then go to buy mode. You then sell the bin for $30 (the price
doesn't go down) and then buy another one. This way you dont have
to make so many trips to the curb.
See The Sims Nude
Press "ctrl+shift+c", type in "move_objects on" which lets you move
every object in/or out of the house except for the walls, floors,
roofs, etc. Then, get the sims into one of the vibrating beds to relax
or "play in bed", in a shower (anyplace they are able to get naked
in)etc... After they are doing the naked activity, move the object
they are in... For example, when they are taking a shower, put it
in to buy mode and move the shower away from them... they will be
standing there naked! Same for the bath tubs and vibrating beds...I
am not a perverted person... but there are perverts out there or people
who like to compare themselves and would love this cheat for their
sims game... Besides, the crave wont last very long because pretty
soon you will have seen all there is to see on every sim.
Gettiong Free Pizza
Normally, when the pizza guy comes, you have to pay him $40 and then
you get your pizza. But, if you type in the move all objects cheat
(move_objects on) you wont have to. When the pizza guy comes to your
house and rings the doorbell, click the buy furniture button. Then,
click on the pizza and you should be able to move it and place it
on any surface. When the pizza is on the surface return to live mode
and dont answer the pizza guy, he will go away.
How To Kill Your Sim (the fast way)
- create a square wall of 7 garbage cans
- tell your sim to enter the inside of the box
- put one more garbage can in the last space of the box
-wait for your sim to starve
from: Monica mail:
Append the route desitination list to Allroutes.txt
In the cheat box, type "write_destlist" without quotes, to append
the route destination list to the file allroutes.txt every time a
route is found.