Warcraft 2: Beyond the Dark Portal [cheats updated]
Press [Enter] to display the two player message box, type one of the following
codes, then press [Enter] again to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Note: A cheat may be disabled by repeating the code. Cheats will affect all
players in multi-player mode.

Effect Code

Display map, except for fog of war on screen or showpath
Display multi-player map showmap
Faster building, upgrades, and unit make it so
Boost unit strength it is a good day to die
Instant win unite the clans
Instant loss you pitiful worm
Increases gold, wood, and oil glittering prizes
Increases oil valdez or spycob
Faster wood chopping hatchet or axe & saw
Armor and weapon upgrades deck me out
Spell upgrades every little thing she does
Win entire game there can be only one
Enable level select tigerlily
Jump to specified Orc level orc
Jump to specified Human level human
Go Bruins message ucla
Display flashing red line background netprof
FIEF mode day
Faster demo screens fastdemo
Disable Orc traps tombstone or noglues
Disable total victory never a winner
Toggle cheat mode, disable intro title
Alternate music for "Beyond the Dark Portal" disco
Allow multiplayer game surrender allowsync

Sheep kill:
Keep clicking the mouse over the sheep.
Hear different unit phrases:
Select a unit four times. Select it again to hear a different phrase. This may be done on every ground unit, air unit, and heroes. Depending on type, four to seven different phrases may be heard.

Hint: Sword from Warcraft:
Build the human blacksmith and the highest upgrade sword from the original Warcraft will be there.

Hint: Instant Mana:
Use someone's magic, such as the Fireball, Holy Vision, Runes, or Death Coil, and press "Stop" immediately before they perform the spell. This requires precise timing. Note: It is easier to press S to stop faster.

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