Warhammer 2: Dark Omen [cheats updated]
Type these at the main menu. You should hear a sound
if it worked.
Press these keys at the Roster screen:
Ctrl+C+G Add 1000 gold
Ctrl+C+T Subtract 1000 gold
Ctrl+C+E Increase selected unit's experience
Ctrl+C+U Make selected unit unbreakable
Press these keys at the Roster screen:
Ctrl+C+F Full experience for all units
Ctrl+C+I Make selected unit invulnerable
Ctrl+C+M All magic items
Press these keys at the Roster screen:
F12 Skip battle
Ctrl Select enemy units
Press and hold K while firing Selected ballistic unit has 100% accuracy
W Increase available magic points
Press and hold D, then click on a Destroy selected unit
Press and hold R, then select a Selected ballistic unit has rapid
ballistic unit fire
During battle type in:
squarewindow puts a small screen at the upper right with a magnified
bennyhill speeds up the game
overbychristmas press F12 to instantly win battle
smeghead units have small heads
Entered at the main screen, the following codes will warp you to specific
missions, but beware: your troops will not have the experience they
would have
if you had achieved the missions normally:
Entering these codes at the main screen will play the various cutscenes:
welcome plays game's introduction movie sequence
groovetown plays 'trading post' movie sequence (first mission)
lightreading plays 'libre mortis book' movie sequence.
smallpebble plays 'green gem retrieve' movie sequence
badbreath plays 'hand of nagash release' movie sequence
whitegrail plays 'black grail charge' movie seqeunece
atimetofight plays 'black pyramid approach' movie sequence (final
wewontheday plays 'dread king's death' movie sequence
ohdear plays 'laughing skull' movie sequence (when you die)
credits plays 'credits' movie sequence